
Study: Important Validation of the Home Sleep Test Nox T3


The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has published a new study, Xu et al. (2017) that validates the performance of the Nox T3 sleep monitor for home sleep testing to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults.

Purpose of study

  • To evaluate the performance of the Nox T3 for home sleep testing to diagnose patients with obstructive sleep apnea in Chinese adults.

Key findings

  • Results show that home sleep testing using the Nox T3 has a very close agreement with the result of in-laboratory polysomnography (PSG). Moderate to severe OSA was diagnosed with 93% sensitivity and 85% specificity.
  • The simultaneous in-laboratory T3 study showed an even higher agreement with PSG (100% sensitivity and 94% specificity), highlighting that the differences found between the home Nox T3 study and in-lab PSG are mainly due to the night-to-night variability and differences in sleep environment.
  • Close agreement between the automatic and manually edited scoring of the Nox T3 recording (mean difference of less than 2 events/hour). “This close agreement increases testing efficiency by reducing the amount of time needed to edit the automatic score.”


  • All 80 participants underwent overnight unattended home sleep testing with Nox T3 portable monitor followed by an overnight in-laboratory PSG with simultaneous Nox T3 portable monitor recording.
  • During the in-laboratory PSG with simultaneous portable monitor recording, the participants wore two sets of nasal cannulas, two sets of rib cage and abdominal belts, and two oximeters.
  • The quality of the Nox T3 recordings was assessed by automated analysis of signal quality for oxygen saturation, airflow, abdominal movement and thoracic movement.
  • The portable monitor recordings were initially scored automatically using Noxturnal software. The recordings were then manually edited by an experienced PSG technologist.

What this could mean?
  • A greater acceptance of home sleep apnea testing by physicians in China and worldwide, improving patient access to diagnosis and treatment. Accurate automatic analysis saves valuable time in manual edits.

Xu L, Han F, Keenan BT, Kneeland-Szanto E, Yan H, Dong X, Chang Y, Zhao L, Zhang X, Li J, Pack AI, Kuna ST. Validation of the Nox-T3 portable monitor for diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in Chinese adults. J Clin Sleep Med. 2017;13(5):675–683.

Read the published article : Validation of the Nox-T3 Portable Monitor for Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Chinese Adults.

Photo by Nox Medical Copyright ©2019

Topic: Research & Publications

Nox Medical
Nox Medical is a global leader in the sleep diagnostic technology space. The company provides sleep specialists with patient-friendly diagnostic devices and robust, reliable data collection. With easy-to-use medical device technology, Nox Medical eliminates common diagnostic pain points by prioritizing patient comfort and reliability of results, allowing providers to better assess, diagnose and treat the entire range of sleep health issues, including sleep apnea, circadian disorders and insomnia.